Tijdens de kerstvakantie zal de praktijk gesloten zijn op maandag 26/12, woensdag 28/12 en vrijdag 30/12 alsook maandag 2/1 en dinsdag 3/1. Op deze momenten kan je voor dringende zaken steeds contact …
This is a short description about the team member and his role in the company.
This is a short description about the team member and his role in the company.
This is a short description about the team member and his role in the company.
Telefonisch een afspraak maken kan op maandag, woensdag, donderdag en vrijdag tussen 12u en 14u.
Alles over vrouwelijke gezondheid.
Sexuele gezondheid oa soa’s, anticonceptie, vruchtbaarheid, …
Vlaamse vereniging voor Obstetrie en Gynaecologie.
Tijdens de kerstvakantie zal de praktijk gesloten zijn op maandag 26/12, woensdag 28/12 en vrijdag 30/12 alsook maandag 2/1 en dinsdag 3/1. Op deze momenten kan je voor dringende zaken steeds contact …
We verwelkomen graag Ann Van Looveren als nieuwe zelfstandige vroedvrouw in de praktijk. Met haar expertise in de pre- en postnatale zorgen (diploma van lactatiedeskundige) zal ze de zwangere vrouwen …
We offer very efficient family care plans and packages, get in touch for an initial consultation and offer.
We offer very efficient family care plans and packages, get in touch for an initial consultation and offer.
A physician, medical practitioner, medical doctor, or simply doctor, is a professional who practises medicine, which is concerned with promoting, maintaining, or restoring health through the study, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of disease, injury, and other physical and mental impairments.
A physician, medical practitioner, medical
doctor, or simply doctor, is a professional who practises medicine, which is concerned with promoting, maintaining, or restoring health through the study, diagnosis. A physician, medical practitioner, medical doctor, or simply doctor, is a professional who practises medicine.
Keep up with the latest news in the field
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Huic ego, si negaret quicquam interesse ad quali uteretur.
A physician, medical practitioner, medical doctor, or simply doctor, is a professional who practises medicine, which is concerned with promoting, maintaining,